Monday, August 9, 2010

this city needs an exorcism!

What's up with the smoke Moscow!?

It's bad enough that for 10 years I had my share of poison, and now I have to suffer through this horrible white nightmare! пошел на хуй!

For those who doesn't know me or doesn't know the fact that I quit smoking last week, I have been in agony of nicotine-free life which ironically don't feel free at all. It turns out that every pleasure preserves the accumulative equal amount of pain which you happily ignore while enjoying the former part of the equation.

I am happy to suffer in silence, I am becoming healthier, it's ok, все нормально; but my non-smoker hubby and my anti-smoker cat suffered this stupid fog of forest and peat bog fires.

We closed all the windows, put on masks to walk to our cars and as if it isn't fun enough: it's 38 degrees outside. And I'm not smoking.

When you stop giving your body something it got used to in such a way that it is almost a chemical infusion, you don't want the negative effects of that substance while undergoing such a pain refraining from it. I ache not to have poison in my lungs and thanks to humanity, global warming has led to extreme hot weather and extreme hot weather led to fires and fires led to smoke in the city. Now I have poison in my lungs.

Pff, summer isn't fun anymore.

unhappy mish

just like the famous fogs of Milan (except for the toxic particles)


  1. tebrikler kuzuumm, sigarasız hayatın nasıl olduğunu hatırlamaya çalışanlar grubuna hoşgeldin :D

  2. 4 yasinda salonda asterix izleyip kosturdugumu hatirliyorum, ama sigara icmedigim zamanlari hatirlamiyorum :)
    ne yapisik bisiymis bu zikkim


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